Friday, July 24, 2009

Wednesday Northwest Harvest:Annissa

For the last three days my team has been doing various jobs assisting Northwest harvest. The first day we were out in an orchard picking cherries, we did it for but 3 and a half ours and were already exhausted. My attitude going into the day was not very positive at all, I thought to myself “ how am I going to leave here at the end of the week feeling that I made a change in someone’s life when all we were doing was picking cherries by ourselves out in the hot sun all day?” But then later on in the day while in the cherry picking process I thought about the people who do that job for a living, I thought they are working just as hard, if not harder, than the jobs in this society that get paid much more, but yet they are getting paid so little. I came to my senses and saw past the hot sun for the rest of the day and made it a good experience. Also on Tuesday we went to a local food bank, here we were distributing food to people with the help of the volunteers who work at the food bank. After a while went by the volunteers who work there got to telling us about why they volunteer, one lady shared with us that she is in the same position as the people coming to the food bank, she is on DSHS and is barely getting by, and even though she has so little she continues to give so much….if only everyone could give at least a little.

Annissa Cerna

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