Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday's Blog

The one thing I have always been stumped on whenever I am writing, or blogging for that manner is the conclusion. The conclusion is meant to reflect and summarize what has been addressed on the introduction and in the main body. With that being said, this week of Mission has made me feel like one long essay being written. Sunday (the introduction) was hard. This is only my second year of Mission and I know what is to be expected now, but it still feels a little foreign in some senses. The body (Monday to Thursday) is usually the easiest part. We quickly learned how to construct a ramp under the guidance of Lowell; TEAM OUI had formed from an odd sound that Debbie had made and our team was not only able to complete all THREE of the ramps scheduled to us (Finished two day projects in one day) but also got to help Habitat for Humanity a little. All of this immersed with the overall bond our team had formed together. So it is hard to come up with a conclusion, not only in writing a paper but in a blog that I have invested my time in with the past two years. Now that it is Friday night and Saturday is just around the corner, it is hard summarizing an experience in just plain words. Not only have the team and I been working hard, but everyone at our church and BOTH Holy Spirit churches have worked hard and make the week even more special. Tonight we ended our group prayer session with a reflective circle, open to anyone who wanted to voice out their thoughts about their week. I being one of many have had gone and thanked everyone for being a part of this program. I think the worst part of writing a conclusion knows that the end is near. For the time being, it is for me. This is my LAST Year of Mission as a teenager.
So I would like to say the following. First and foremost I would like to Thank God for putting me on this Earth, to experience such a program and interact with great people. I would like to thank my Team Leaders of Team Oui, Pam and Debbie for being amazing, wonderful and caring people. They have truly made a difference in my life while at Mission and I mean that with the utmost sincerity and truthfulness. I would like to thank the rest of the group leaders Mike, Pat, Dan and Steve (...STEVE!) for taking the time out of their busy lives to be with us and help guide us in such an amazing program. I would like to thank EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY TEAM MEMBERS…for being just amazing individuals. It has been a great privilege to work with all of you and I will never forget any one of you. I would like to thank YNIA for hosting the program. Thank You St. Stephens integrating the program. Thank You to Kelly for following me this week on the blog. To my sponsors, thank you for supporting me in this Mission Trip. Last but certainly not least, my Mom. Thank You for supporting me in my faith and my life. I love you and I can’t wait to see you when I get home.
My last words are some from the great Frank Sinatra. When he sang “My Way” (hope I got the title right) he sang “Regrets, I had a few” I claim to not have any regrets…but so far I have only made one. That is, not being a part of Mission earlier, to be a 4 Year Veteran…because this is a great Program
Thank You
Edelmar Navaluna

Wow, this has been one of the most phenomenal weeks that I’ve ever had in the St. Stephens Life Teen youth group but I can’t believe that this week is just about over because it went by so quickly. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun. Today was the last day for work and by the end of the day, I think our group at the reservation was very satisfied with the ending result (though incomplete). We had completed most of the trimming and the painting of the body of the house. Little weeding has been done but compared to the first work day, there has been a major improvement in the appearance and, hopefully, the living condition of the house. It was sad to leave Bonita, Brittany, and the site so early but we now have to give Week 2 a chance to work. To my surprise, I found out that we have a longer schedule. Tonight was a special, conclusive night where we reflected the week in one evening session. It special to all of us and the photo slideshow was a fitting end. I’ll see everyone one of you at home real soon because Mission is about to end.
-Kenny Pham

Wow mission week one is already over. All that time spent prepping and it was done in a blink of an eye. Well last year last night and all I have to say is that I can’t believe that it’s been four years of this. Mission has made me such a better person. Like I can’t even describe the impact coming on these trip has made for the past few years. This week we finished in three days what was supposed to take five days. I loved my group we clicked right away and were a good match to build these ramps. Other than that we had a very successful mission this year can’t wait to turn 21 to come again. Thanks for all the support from the leaders and all you who helped us in our community.
Griffin Boyle

This week has been incredible. The teens on our worksite are amazing. We have really connected as a team. Everyone works together so well. We have been very efficient in building ramps accomplishing much more than we had intended to. We have all become friends. We spend our day laughing together and helping each other out. Each teen jumps in and does whatever is asked of them and many times finds things on their own that need to be done and does it. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with each and every one of them.
Pam Redmond

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